Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

When God Speaks

Whenever we gather together as a church (God's people), we expect God to speak not just to the musicians up front or the preacher that day. We expect God to speak to all of us. This Sunday God spoke to someone in the audience during the first song, and it fit right into what I was speaking on that day. He came up and shared the words God gave him during the service during the worship time at the end. It was powerful. I have included the words below.

Why must I sit here and feel the rage of God within me?
Why must I sit still to the root of him as he roars within my heart?
Why must I allow this world to rule over me?
When I know that there is better within me of my master Christ.
For to be lazy is not of the flame of Christ.
I know that there is more inside of me.
That is not of me, but of Christ.
I know that if I allow this voice of God to rule in my life - I will stand in Him.
I cannot run.
I cannot hide.
Denying is useless.
Waiting is foolishness.
For in Christ must I stand.
Letting the Lion of Judah loose...
Is my goal and gold - to breath in pure fires of truth...
Of Christ.

Recap of Out of Hiding

Out of Hiding totally rocked the house. Even the club managers and staff were saying how they we were really rocking out. More importantly, Jesus really used them to touch many of our hearts. Justin had prayed the day before and felt that God had spoken to him about various habits or thoughts that Jesus wanted to set people free from at our service. It was great to see so many people come up to receive prayer as Jesus began to set people free from - gambling and pain killer addictions, pornography, worry and crippling anxiety, anger and bitterness towards a person's mother, and tendencies to curse others.

The prayer team met afterwards and for each of the issues that Justin talked about at least one person in that room of 50-60 people came up to get prayer for!

I am so grateful that God continues to show up and confirm just how real Jesus is, and I am looking forward to Out of Hiding coming back at some point next year.