Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Monday, November 30, 2009

Rick Warren on Meet the Press

Rick Warren is a Pastor in California who wrote the New York Time's best seller, "A Purpose Driven Life." He represented Jesus well in this interview on a big, secular media platform. The stories he told illustrated his love for the hurting and his generosity with the wealth God has given him.

As we enter the Christmas season, this interview serves as good reminder for us of what it might look like to follow Jesus in 21st century America.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Famine in Kenya

Newfrontiers is our family of churches... We will be taking up a collection at this Sunday's Newfrontier's Boston's City-wide service (see above).
Famine in Kenya


There are 160 churches in Kenya who are part of the worldwide Newfrontiers family of churches. Many nations in that part of Africa are experiencing severe famine caused by a shortage of rain. This has come hard on the heals of the crisis which erupted at the end of 2007 following the elections. Inter-tribal conflict resulted in widespread destruction of property and crops and the internal displacement of tens of thousands of people. Many are still displaced.

Through the Newfrontiers churches Edward Buria, who brings apostolic oversight to these churches, many of which he has planted, is seeking to alleviate the effects of the famine which is claiming the lives of many people, livestock and even wild animals... Read more Famine in Kenya.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Photos from 1-Year Church Celebration

Our 1-year celebration was a raucous affair with tons of food, dancing, music, and guests. God has been good to us as he fulfills his plan to reveal Jesus to many in the Fenway. It is amazing to think that it all began 4 years ago with 4 people in my apartment and that just over a year ago 20 of us took the risk to start a public Sunday meeting in a night club & bar called "Church." May people continue to meet, "Jesus at the Bar!" - David W.

Click here for more pictures.

Friday, November 6, 2009

"Jesus Was My Deliver" - Lashondra's Story

This young woman's story from a Fenway Church service of freedom from abuse and depression reveals the very heart of God and the transforming power of Jesus' life. Listen here (6 mins).

Meet Jesus @ Fenway Church this Sunday 10:30AM & 1PM
69 Kilmarnock Street Boston

Mobilise USA January 15 - 17 2010

Students & Twenties you don't want to miss this conference...


Why Mobilise?

Against the backdrop of a declining Church in our nation, students and twenties are sensing a new season is upon us. Among younger generations, there is a greater interest in the God of the Bible giving us the opportunity to make a huge Kingdom impact in the coming years.

Mobilise USA is a conference that seeks to inspire students and twenties to pursue all that God has for them. Join us in St. Louis, MO, January 15-17, 2010 as we worship together, experience great teaching and focus on our mission to reach the earth with the Gospel.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Death's Painful Sting

Death can often come suddenly. I recently attended a funeral for my close friend’s mother; it was a somber day as we remembered and buried a woman who was only in her 50s when she died. Tragically, it had seemed that an initial round of chemotherapy several years ago had worked only to find out a year later that the cancer had come back viciously and within two months this wonderful woman was dead.

Death can often be unsettling. That weekend a man was asking me how my week had gone, and I mentioned I had gone to a funeral. He responded, “It wasn’t cancer was it?” When I informed him it was cancer – brain cancer, he was visibly shaken and angry. He described how several of his relatives had died of cancer and how much he hated it. He relayed how he wanted to go out in a car accident, in a blaze of glory.

Each human being must wrestle with the reality of death. It jars us out of the grind and comforts of life and causes us to assess. As I was praying this morning, I was reflecting on these events, and I was struck by my own response to the reality of death. I can honestly say I don’t fear death. Death at times seems sudden, yet it does not unsettle me.

In this world, our bondage to sin brings a fear of death. As the Apostle Paul said, “The sting of death is sin.” (I Cor. 15:56) To be born again is to be freed from the power of sin and the fear of death. I know I have been freed from sin through faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Thus, I can say with Paul, “O, death where is your victory? O, death where is your sting?” (I Cor. 15:55)

Some will say like Clint Eastwood does in Gran Torino that Christianity just gives old ladies a hand to hold and a false security as they drift from this world. This idea is not my experience.

It is the overwhelming sense of God’s presence I in my life, the power of the word of God to change my life as I have followed it, and the testimony of people healed as I have prayed for them in the name of Jesus that remind me that I have indeed been born again. It is these marks of newness of life that grant weight to my hope in the resurrection of the dead, a full freedom from the pain of this world, and the joy of seeing Jesus in eternity.

Do you have that confidence? You can.