Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Upcoming 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting

The 40 Days
Starting tomorrow morning (March 1), many Christians from across the nation and especially in New England will be embarking on a 40 day Daniel fast to pray for an awakening in the churches and universities of New England.  To learn more about this effort visit .

Prayer in Luke & Acts
I have lately again been struck about the role of prayer in the books of Luke and Acts.  In Luke, we see Jesus over and over again spending time in prayer with God aligning himself with the Father's purposes and receiving power from the Holy Spirit.  In Acts, we see the church doing the exact same thing on almost a daily basis; the result was a constantly growing church filled with grace and power serving the culture it lived in.

I believe times like these 40 days can be used by God to awaken us to the importance and power of consistent corporate and personal prayer.  Why not begin to read Luke & Acts as these 40 days begins?

What Fenway Church is Doing
For our church (Fenway Church), these 40 days will mean an expansion of our corporate early morning prayer times from Tuesday & Wednesdays to Mondays through Thursdays.  It will be also mean we will be seeking to gather together as a church to pray on a more regular basis starting this Friday night.  Some of us are committing to do the Daniel Fast (see below).  Others may want to fast media, a particular day of the week, or a particular type of food.  I would encourage our members to fast as they feel prompted to by the Holy Spirit.

A Daniel Fast
The idea of a "Daniel fast" is found in Daniel chapter 1 where Daniel and his friends refuse to eat the king's fine food and instead embrace a diet of vegetables during their time of training in Babylon.  A "Daniel fast" for me consists of not eating any meats or sweats or fine foods (define that however you want :).  I generally eat fruits, vegetables, some breads, beans, rice, & grains.  Some keep a stricter diet than that.  To me it is not the diet that matters (choose what God leads you to do), it is a heart that wants more of God.  Please remember that if you have certain health issues a change in diet or a fast can be medically dangerous and should be avoided.  Also, remember to drink lots of water!

God has always used "Daniel fasts" to increase my hunger to spend time with Jesus, allowed me to spend more time in prayer, and reminded me that this world and its desires are passing away.  I find at the completion of these fasts I am often more focused on God's kingdom and more filled with God's power simply because I have been spending more time with him!

Some Principles on Fasting & Prayer
I have a passion for prayer and fasting that began in my college years.  I have learned up a few key principles that I think are worth sharing for those who might be considering embarking on the fast.

1)  The main purpose of fasting and prayer in the New Testament was to align with God's plan and be filled with his power.  It was NOT to get him to bless their plans or get him to do what they wanted.  Let's get involved where HE is already working - how do we know where he is? We pray and listen!  (Acts 13:2, John 5:19)

2)  God is sovereign.  His plan to redeem of humanity and establish his church among every people group is not in doubt. (1 Cor. 15:24-26) Yet, he calls us to pray for, "Laborers to be sent out into the harvest."  Jesus told his disciples to pray for laborers then immediately sent them out!  (Matthew 9:35 - 10:5)  Will you not only pray for laborers but allow God to make you one?

3)  The one thing Jesus desires most for us is to be with him, listening to his voice. (Luke 10:28-42)  He wants revival more desperately than we do.  A true revival begins when God's people hunger and thirst for Jesus above all else NOT when we desperately plead with God to change the world..  It is in Jesus' presence that we are changed and empowered.  (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)

4) Finally, God has recently me been showing me in the word that he will show his people things in prayer that will open up huge doors to be witnesses for him IF they will act on what they see and hear immediately.  (Acts 9:10-12, Acts 10)  We too often hesitate after praying seeking "God's will" again and we MISS opportunities.  Don't wait go find out if God spoke or not!

Recently at a student & 20s conference we were hosting, around 15 us prayed that God would show us who to talk to and what part of the mall to go to as we headed for a local mall.  One young woman heard God tell her, "Go to the cafeteria and talk to the girl who is sitting alone."  She did.  The cafeteria was relatively crowded but only one girl was sitting alone.  She talked with her for awhile got her contact info and now the girl she talked to and 3 of her non-Christian friends our doing a weekly Bible study with they young woman who listened and obeyed!  Praise God.  He is at work.  Get in on his plan :)

I truly believe if we will be prepared to listen and act during this fast we will not need to wait to see God begin moving in major ways.  Jesus longs to bring in many lost sheep in the city of Boston.  The Father and the Holy Spirit are already at work  Will you find yourself discovering what they are doing?  It starts in the place of prayer.

Now, I gotta get to bed.  6AM prayer starts tomorrow!!!

And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he (Jesus) departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. - Mark 1:35

Thursday, February 25, 2010

When God Calls us to Pray

Since the beginning of the year, we have had a growing sense that God is calling us to an increased level of prayer. In prayer gatherings in January & February, God encouraged us by meetinng and speaking with us both corporately and individually.

Recently, JHOP Boston, , released a call to pray and fast for 40 days for awakening in New England and college campuses. Churches and university students from around New England are responding.

We are not surprised that God is stirring other parts of the body to pray for God to move in our city and region. God cares so much about his church knowing him more intimately and following him more zealously. He also cares more than we could imagine about those who are lost in the midst of spiritual darkness.
We want to continue to align ourselves as best we can with what we believe God is doing. Starting Monday March 1, we are expanding our early morning prayer times to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday mornings from 6 - 7:15AM. There will be no men or women's specific prayer days. On Friday March 5 @ 7PM, we will gather at Jayan & Nisha's home to seek God as a church.
We have much to pray for as God continues to expand our influence through Alpha, campus work, and in the neighborhoods of our city. We expect him to continue to speak to and direct us.
Your involvement in prayer is vital to our future and your personal growth. May God's grace and the wonder of Jesus' love continue to breathe life and vision into your hearts and minds.
On Sunday, we will plan to speak more about the upcoming 40 days.

David W., Jesse, Chris, & Jayan
Fenway Leadership Team

Saturday, February 13, 2010

How I Found the Kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount

A preview of how my journey through Matthew 5-7 led me to brink of the kingdom with shocking implications for my theology and life...  "Kingdom Come" starts Sunday February 14 @ Fenway Church.
The Sermon on the Mount is the most well known of Jesus’ teaching and is held in high regard by people of many religions and cultures.  Men such as Ghandi used it as a basis for how they lived and led influential movements.  In my experience, the Sermon on the Mount is generally taught in two ways...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kingdom Come: Jesus & the Sermon on the Mount


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Swim Together"

In the classic Pixar film "Find Nemo," Dora is trapped in a fishermen's net with hundreds of other fish.  Only when the fish swim in the same direction can they break out.  God gave me a picture of that net over Christmas break.  Listen to what it might mean for our church's mission in 2010.

Click here.