Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Notes from the Story of Lot's Daughters

Here are some follow up notes I have out to our Community Group (CG leaders) following the message I preached on Lot's daughters (Genesis 19) on March 20, 2011.  You can listen to the message here:

The notes have been divided into three sections.
1. The Story
2. The Story Continues (Ruth)
3. The Parallels of the Stories of Lot & Noah (personally I find this fascinating and instructive but you will have to read until the end, :)

The BIG IDEA in this story is that God's mercy is always greater than my sin. To me that is the story of the Bible and no story illustrates this so clearly. The way to see this theme is by looking at ways a couple of different scriptures connect. I think this story more than any other story we have done will give your CG a chance to look at how different passages of scripture connect together. To accomplish that, you will need to take a look at a couple of these scriptures yourself before hand!
1. The Story

Read Genesis 19:30-38
- How would you have felt if you were Lot's daughters in this situation? What led them to think up such a shocking plan? It is important to note here that up until this point their lives have been dictated by others. How have people in your group experienced or been led into sin by others? It may be worth discussing or at least keeping in the back of your mind as we approach this story. We cannot condone their act, but I am certainly sympathetic towards their plight. Some members of your CG may have experienced or witnessed horrible sins be careful not to focus on how bad this was it may people push people away from experiencing God's mercy and freedom from shame.

- The story of Lot in Genesis ends abruptly. Romans 6:23 states, "The wages of sin is death." Lot's life comes to an abrupt end such is the wages of sin. Do we really believe that sin leads to death? What sins are we holding onto or ignoring (or embracing) in our lives?

2. The Story Continues

Read Deuteronomy 2:9,19
Notes: How does God tell the Israelites to treat Moab and Ammon? Why? An amazing example of God's grace. He is providing for the descendants of this sordid incident. He remembers Lot and his daughter's despite their sins (drunkness and incest). If this is so, why would we ever doubt God's grace towards us through the provision of his own Son when we sin?

Read Ruth 1:4-5,15-18
Notes:  One of great,great... grandaughters of one of Lot's daughters is Ruth. God will divinely orchestrate the events of Ruth's life (the arrival of her husband due to the famine, the death of her husband, and later she happens open Boaz's food) to make a path for her (she is the great,great grandmother of King David) to participate in God's long-awaited rescue plan - Jesus. Her willingness to face her fears