Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why Sundays? Why CGs?

Many people consider “church” in the Sunday morning tradition boring, routine, and lifeless. Thus, attendance at churches across North America has decreased significantly in our generation. Some are now experimenting with simple church (smaller house or dorm based gatherings) and others have given up on Christian gatherings all together. So why do we as a young, hopefully relevant church meet on Sunday mornings?

One is we are attempting to model the vibrant, life-giving church that Jesus founded through his disciples (chronicled in the book of Acts). Two is we want to give those who live in our neighborhood (Fenway) and our city the opportunity to experience Jesus.

Acts Model
At Fenway Church, we attempt to follow the New Testament model of God's people gathering BOTH in public places (when they could) to worship, pray for the sick, preach Jesus, and be a public witness of the corporate body of Christ AND in households to share meals, pray, build each other up through spiritual gifts, teach, and care for each other. As the church in Acts saw what God was doing in both these public and household-based gatherings, they willingly and gladly participated in and gave financially to the mission of preaching the gospel and care of the poor in their communities. For a vivid picture of this type of church, read Acts 2-6.

These churches were led by teams of men with recognized Spirit-given gifting (see Ephesians 4, Acts 20:28) such as the apostles in Jerusalem (Acts 2), prophets and teachers in Antioch (Acts 13), and elders in Ephesus (Acts 20). Theses churches were started by ordinary Christians spreading the gospel in their communities and marketplaces and apostolic (church planting) teams like Paul's made up of among others gifted apostles, evangelists, and prophets.

9 Reasons for Why Sundays @ Fenway
  1. To give city residents an opportunity to come experience Jesus and his family in a local, public gathering spot (that's why we meet in a CLUB!).
  2. Because a public site is much more comfortable for some people (many people?) to attend than the intimacy of someone's home they don't know.
  3. Even though in our culture there are many who avoid Christianity, they still view Sunday gatherings as a place where they would go if they had an interest in exploring or discovering more about God. (They might not think of hunting around for the local private house church gathering, although maybe if you advertised your house church on the web they might show up... which raises other interesting questions.)
  4. To with one voice proclaim and exalt Jesus through song (worship as instructed in the Psalms!).
  5. To experience the power and workings of the Holy Spirit as he releases gifts (like prophecy, words of knowledge, and healing) to members of the body. I Corinthains 14:24 describes a situation where an outsider walks into a public meeting where this is taking place and immediately begins to worship God! We've had this type of experience happen to several non-believing guests we have had the privilege of hosting in our gatherings.
  6. To hear the truth of the gospel of the kingdom preached. (Acts 2:42, Romans 10:17, Acts 19:8,9)
  7. To pray for the sick and those who are spiritually thirsty.
  8. To be Father's welcoming team on the front porch waiting for prodigals as they return to the family. (Luke 15:20)
  9. To join in a corporate vision and give financially to the work of the church that is being administrated by God-ordained leaders and includes care of the poor and the ministry of the word and prayer. (Acts 2-6)

9 Reasons for CGs @ Fenway
CGs are small groups of people that meet during the week in members homes and apartments in the Fenway and adjacent neighborhoods.
  1. Because some of your friends are very intimidated by large gatherings of Christians (can we blame them???) but would love to come over to your house and meet the Christian and non-Christian friends who go to your CG and enjoy a free meal.
  2. To share meals and build relationships with one another (fellowship - food facilitates that so well!). (Acts 2:42,46)
  3. Because every member of a healthy, growing, and effective church needs to be empowered to use their gifts. (Ephesians 4, 1 Corinthains 14:26)
  4. Because each member needs to be being building each other up in love. (Ephesians 4:16)
  5. There is simply not enough time on Sundays for everyone to contribute!
  6. Because church is not a Sunday meeting; it is something we are. We are the church. We are a people not a building. Be the church wherever you meet. Do the things we do – pray, eat, love, encourage, share...
  7. Because we can learn more when we can ask questions. Hard to yell out a question in a crowd of hundreds.
  8. Because I've learned the most from watching how people live and love in their homes.
  9. Because the early church met in people's homes and in public places. (Romans 16:5, Acts 18:7)

This post is dedicated to those that will find Jesus and a home at our Sunday gatherings in the Fenway and in CGs across our city AND to those who forgot why they kept going to meetings every week.

May our expectations of what God can do in the midst of our gatherings soar as we see Jesus' picture of what his church was meant to be.

In Love,
David W.