Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Look Forward

The holidays and the approaching new year frequently put me in reflective (and festive!) mood. So far my reflections have produced some things I am looking forward to in the New Year.

1) Spending more time readying and studying the Bible. It's life, brother! And I ain't lying!

2) Practicing a (hopefully!) more dynamic personal and corporate prayer life. Prayer = not just talking to God but seeing and experiencing what he is doing! Word!

3) Doing the things Jesus did, including and not limited to: making lots of new friends, healing sick people, hanging out with people on the street, and learning how to love without wanting something back. That last one is definitely the trippiest and those who don't think so don't know what I'm talking about! Ponder...

4) Seeing small communities develop within and outside of Fenway Church who will do many of the following things: befriend the homeless, give genoursly, worship Jesus, eat food, love one another, learn from each other, experience the Spirit, obey the Word, have fun, and grow in relationships.

In the end, I feel more and more sure that we are on the edge of Jesus showing up in a very real way through his Church here in Boston. When he does... the religious won't like it, the scholars won't understand it, the poor will love it, the blind will see it, the rich will struggle with it, the proud will scorn it, the humble will receive it, the lovers will live it, and the media won't ignore it.

With expectation and faith working in perserverance.

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