Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Resurrection Sunday @ Fenway Church - Is the Church Irrelevant?

Is God dead? Has the church become irrelevant?  Join us Sunday April 4 @ 11AM.  Click here to view facebook invite.

Easter Promo from Fenway Church on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Resurrection Sunday @ Fenway Church - Hope Returns

Luke 24:1-12

In the cool of the morning, several women journey through a garden to give their last gifts to the man they loved more than any other. He had delivered some of them from demons, taught them, ate their food, healed them, and showed them the love and forgiveness of God. Now, he was dead...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Resurrection Sunday @ Fenway Church - Why Did He Die?

Who is Jesus?  Why did he die?   Discover the answers this Easter at Fenway Church... April 4 @ 11AM

Resurrection Sunday from Fenway Church on Vimeo.

Resurrection Sunday @ Fenway Church - The King is Dead

The King is dead (vs. 37-38).  The innocent man has been crucified (vs. 47).  The crowds leave mourning (vs. 48).  His acquaintances witness these things from afar (vs. 49).  Creation groans waiting for the Son of Man to be revealed.  Darkness reigns (vs. 44-45).  Life breathes its final breath (vs. 46).  He is buried; his lifeless body laid on the hard, cold rock of a newly hewn tomb (vs. 52-53).  Death's cruel finality is all too real.

Yet, a glimmer of doubt remains. Has death truly triumphed?  Jesus' acquaintances particularly the women seem to be waiting, watching to see what will happen (vs. 49, 55).  They have not lost their love for the man who knew "everything they ever did" (John 4:39) yet told them "your faith has saved you, go in peace." (Luke 7:50)  A man named Joseph still looks for the kingdom of God (vs. 51).  On the Sabbath day, they rest.  Waiting in quiet solitude... for Sunday to arrive.

"For there is hope for a tree,
   if it be cut down, that it will sprout again,
   and that its shoots will not cease.
Though its root grow old in the earth,
   and its stump die in the soil,
yet at the scent of water it will bud
   and put out branches like a young plant."
Job 14:7-9

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Journey from Drugs to Jesus

Luke 15 contains a series of stories Jesus told about God's love and the importance of communicating that love to others.  Jesus' heart always longed for those who did not know him to be welcomed back into his family.

I wanted to share a story today that shows how much God is willing to do to reveal his love to people.

On Sunday at Fenway Church, we baptized a young man.  Just a week earlier he made a commitment at our Sunday gathering to follow Jesus, yet it was very apparent to all of us who had met him that God has sovereignly been working in his life for some time.   
He had grown up in a semi-dangerous environment.  Throughout his teen years, he turned to alcohol and drugs.  He left Boston two years ago to try and escape a life that was spiraling downwards but instead became addicted to even harder drugs.  However while away, he met a friend who invited him to church.  It was during a handful of visits to that church that he began to realize Jesus was real. 
The young man returned to Boston and was able to suddenly stop doing drugs.  A few months ago, he began praying and worshiping Jesus alone.  God was moving in his life.  He met two members of our church at a Dunkin Donuts he worked at.  They were there trying to convince another employee that had said he was going to come to church but hadn't come yet to come!  Instead, they met a different young man who was hungry for God. 
As that young man shared his story on Sunday, you could tell how much he loved Jesus.  Jesus had done so much in his life, and he was truly grateful.  His journey is just beginning!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kingdom Come III: What is the Kingdom? (Part II)

Continuing our series on the kingdom by answering the question - what is the kingdom?  The kingdom is a matter of the heart more than anything else.  Miraculous works and bold declarations are not what God is looking for (Matthew 7:21-22).  They are merely signs of the kingdom.  The fruit of the kingdom, what the kingdom really is, is an internal heart change.  True repentance - change our way of thinking- involves adopting the attitudes of the heart described in in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-8).

Unfortunately, this message was not recorded due to a technical error.  Hopefully, it lives on in the hearts and minds of those who heard it :)

Sunday February 28
David W.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Start of Daily Devotionals for 40 Days

I felt led by God to start writing a daily devotional that people could follow on a daily basis as we commit ourselves as a church to pray more.  The Bible reveals who God is and serves to strengthen our faith and breathe life into our prayers.  I hope these devotionals will encourage you.  I will only be posting the first one here at this blog.  To follow the devotionals daily go to and subscribe to the email list on the top right corner.

Devotional Day 1 for Monday 3/1

New Testament Reading: Luke 1
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 118:1-8

One of the major themes of the books of Luke & Acts is prayer.  Over the next 40 days why not read 1 chapter a day of Luke and then into Acts?  Look for how prayer is involved in Jesus' conception, birth, life, death, and instruction to his disciples.  It was in the place of prayer that Jesus aligned himself with the Father's will, was empowered by the Holy Spirit, and was transfigured.  Let's model Jesus' example!

Often times when I go to pray, I found myself tired or distracted by my thoughts.  Psalm 118 encourages us.  It is good to pray these verses back to God as you go to pray.  It begins by reminding us that God's love and mercy endures forever!  How freeing to know as we go to pray that God loves us and no matter what we have done, how far we have strayed, or how tired we feel there is mercy available to us because of Jesus' death on the cross!  Thank Him for that.

It does not end there.  Verse 5 reminds us that if we call out to Lord in the midst of our anguish; he will set us free.  Do you feel bound as you approach God?  Cry out in prayer.  He will answer.  Do you need help to pray?  God is your help (vs. 7).

We may think.  Why I am I fasting?  Why am I walking up early?  The answer is found in verse 8.

"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man."  (Psalm 118:8)