Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Journey from Drugs to Jesus

Luke 15 contains a series of stories Jesus told about God's love and the importance of communicating that love to others.  Jesus' heart always longed for those who did not know him to be welcomed back into his family.

I wanted to share a story today that shows how much God is willing to do to reveal his love to people.

On Sunday at Fenway Church, we baptized a young man.  Just a week earlier he made a commitment at our Sunday gathering to follow Jesus, yet it was very apparent to all of us who had met him that God has sovereignly been working in his life for some time.   
He had grown up in a semi-dangerous environment.  Throughout his teen years, he turned to alcohol and drugs.  He left Boston two years ago to try and escape a life that was spiraling downwards but instead became addicted to even harder drugs.  However while away, he met a friend who invited him to church.  It was during a handful of visits to that church that he began to realize Jesus was real. 
The young man returned to Boston and was able to suddenly stop doing drugs.  A few months ago, he began praying and worshiping Jesus alone.  God was moving in his life.  He met two members of our church at a Dunkin Donuts he worked at.  They were there trying to convince another employee that had said he was going to come to church but hadn't come yet to come!  Instead, they met a different young man who was hungry for God. 
As that young man shared his story on Sunday, you could tell how much he loved Jesus.  Jesus had done so much in his life, and he was truly grateful.  His journey is just beginning!

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