Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Story of Fenway Church’s Montreal Missions Trip

Unless the Father Draws Him
The Story of Fenway Church’s Montreal Missions Trip
By Jeremy Jackson, 2010

The following events take place between Thursday, May 28th and Monday, May 31st. Events occur in real time . . . . like in 24. Inspiration for this report was also taken from Bill Simmons’ game-time journals, which usually provide thorough analysis and a good laugh. … and from John 6:44 “No one comes to me [Jesus] unless the Father draws him.” 

[Below is an excerpt from the complete report.  Many stories were removed for brevity-sake.  A more complete and equally entertaining report can be viewed on a note on Jackson’s facebook page, or sent by request.]

Saturday – Evangelism Explosion!
arrives at Malek’s to wait for Brandon.  Harry is left with Impact Church members at an alternative prayer location.
No Brandon.
No Brandon.
drives Malek to grocery store to buy groceries for BBQ in the afternoon. Neighbor, Eva, in courtyard sounds like she’ll be there.
and Malek return, budget in tact, no mayonnaise. No Brandon.
No Brandon.
Heads being scratched. No Brandon. Group prays.
Knock … Knock … Knock. A frustrated Brandon comes through. He had been lost, on the other side of the major park across the street from Malek’s house. Stifled by language barrier, and a dog who just refused to help, it took him some time to find the place. But glad that he had arrived safely, we welcome him and continue in prayer.
Girls go out to witness, Brandon and Jackson stay back and pray.  God, start a church in this apartment building!
Jackson and Malek go out to get propane, while Brandon, Kelsey and Becca go out to witness more. They meet a man who likes Hare Krishna and another who volunteers that he wouldn’t believe even if Jesus appeared to him in a dream.

Party “starts”.
Benoit arrives, helps set up propane stove. Burgers, tables, chips, hot dogs, condiments, chairs arrive.
Harry Katz and numerous Impact church members arrive.
Harry and Jackson head out to use My Soularium cards in the park.
Party is rockin. Locals stream through, most for a short time. Some stay longer. Lots of seed is scattered as most members from our team and some from the local church are eagerly talking about the gospel. Jackson meets a local, named Matthieu, who “wants to have Jesus in his heart” but doesn’t understand how Jesus is different from a tree, or a rock, or a lake.  Seems for sure God has done something to begin a spiritual journey for this man.  A good person who wants to get married, Matthieu is even interested in coming to a church service some time.
Party is wrapping up. Jackson is planning with Becca and others what to do for the evening. Different ideas are thrown out. Brandon has been in conversation for some time with Mohammed, a Muslim from Mauritania who offers to take the group to a Mauritanian restaurant he recommends highly. Bixi bikes are found, and Jackson drives to pick up his friend Joni. On the way to the restaurant, he drives by the group on their bikes more than once. “Why is Harry all by himself?” he wonders aloud to Joni. Both groups arrive at the restaurant simultaneously. A comfortable atmosphere. Ali, owner of restaurant sits down with a chalkboard in hand to explain how things work. At the bottom of the chalkboard is written a price: $25. After his explanation we realize that he’s asking $25 per person. Too much. But fortunately the group is savvy enough to know that any Arab likes a good bargain. So we bargain, explain that not all of us are very hungry. And Ali very graciously and generously offers us a meal at half of his original price. Favor!
Jackson enjoys conversation and catching up with Joni.
Meal is great.
Even tea!
Mix up with how to pay is solved somehow … Harry was indispensable in this, and really in innumerable ways throughout the trip.
Jackson asks Mohammed if he’s ever met a Christian in his life. Mohammed reflects thoughtfully … hard to believe he really ever has.  Wondering how the Father could ever draw Him.  He seems interested. We compare notes. He reflects on Jesus and Islam. His thoughts and our conversation carry us outside. 
splits into two, Becca and Brandon conversing with Mohammed on corner. Joni and Kelsey. Harry with Becca, Brandon and Mohammed. Jackson feverishly reading scripture from his iphone paces away, trying to prepare for message he’ll give tomorrow about discipleship.
Conversations continue, all parties in same places.
Jackson realizes he’s standing in front of a storefront mosque. Praying to himself in front of it, he senses God may somehow use this.
Mosque prayerers begin to exit. Conversations about Jesus paces away continue.
A dignified, garbed man comes to the door of the storefront mosque. “I like the aroma, the fragrance”, Jackson says in broken French, trying to somehow explain his presence in front of the building. Invited in, seated, and granted tea and a Jewish bagel from down the street, he quickly becomes a student of Suffi Islam. “First time I’ve ever been inside a mosque!”
“Master” teaches that Suffi’s believe we have four enemies in our pursuit of purity: 1. the Satan 2. the world 3. the desires of flesh 4. the ego. I nod in agreement. My Master, Jesus taught these things as well. “Allahu Akbar” he says. Praise be to God. “For the law came through Moses” I say, “but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” He agrees and again gives glory to Allah. The pain in my heart makes me want to stay, but my responsibilities to the team and a missed call from Joni outside lead me to politely thank him for the hospitality and dismiss myself.
Conversations on the corner continue. I join the group and explain my brief absence. We try to reformulate our plan.
A man who appears distressed comes to us and asks for three dollars to go to a housing shelter nearby. Becca wants to give him money but stops before she does, and asks if we can pray for him first. “Yes, you can pray for my soul” he says. Becca - “What’s wrong with your soul?” Man – “I have schizophrenia, and it really bothers me.” Sure that God wants me to pray for his immediate deliverance, I step forward. Harry explains that we’re going to pray in the name of Jesus. He nods. I ask – “Do you believe in Jesus?” … “Do you believe all authority in the whole world belongs to Him?” Man – “Yes, I believe in Him.”  Seems for sure this man is being drawn!  Language barrier makes it difficult to have him repeat my prayer, but I lay hands on his shoulders and pray in Jesus’ name that he be set free from the illness. In my mind I can see something violently assailing this man. I hate this evil. The man is eager to get to his bed before the home closes the doors. Before I let him leave I ask him if he felt anything when we prayed – “Yes, I felt God’s power.” Devastated that this man was not completely set free, deeply saddened that not all are immediately healed, I walk away. Harry walks with me around the corner. Crying, I break down and fall to the ground. My soul longs to see God do the works He promised to do, the works He did through Jesus in the Bible.  How we long to see our heavenly Father!
Harry and I return to the group. We make our way down to St. Viateur bagels – world famous, 24hour bagels. Brandon is already in a conversation. Is the soil good? A guy and a girl – typical liberal stuff about Jesus not being the only way. “They sound like Americans,” I think to myself. Becca joins for a period. Harry too. Not sure where the Spirit is leading us here.  Don’t want to be doing work without Father’s leading.  We enjoy the summer air.
Brandon still in conversation. The two he’s talking to seem hostile, but I did pledge to the group that I trusted them and believed in them, and they HAVE stayed this long to talk … maybe the Father is drawing them? … Rest of group ready to make for home, it seems.
We try to make hints at Brandon that we’re ready to go. Conversation continues. Concerned about how Brandon would ever make it home or anywhere safely without us, I start to pray about what to do.
We make a decision to head home and leave Harry with Brandon.
We get to the car.
is racing up the street towards the parking space we just left. “Let’s pretend like we don’t see him!” Harry looks perplexed as the car passes by him. He raises his hands in resignation.
is in the car. “What are we going to do about Brandon?” "I thought you were going to stay with him?!" Car pulls past bagel place. Brandon has reluctantly bid adieu to his potential pen pals and hops in car.
Collected and civilized discussion over Spirit’s leading and commitment to group.
flips out and drops Brandon off in middle of nowhere … Just kidding.
Girls are dropped off at Malek’s.
1:45AM Guys arrive at Benoit’s place.  Discussion about following lead of Spirit and responsibility to team.  Much to praise God for.  Feeling of accomplishment in having faithfully preached the gospel.  Words of Jesus sit with me deeply, comforting my fears: “No one comes to me unless the Father draws him.”  Enjoying love of Jesus so much I pray, Father would you draw them?

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