Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Monday, November 29, 2010

Trilogy Project

Our Newfrontiers churches in Boston are committed to working together not only across the globe with our family of churches but also with one another here in the city. To see Boston transformed and the nations reached, we must continue to remain committed to training present and emerging leaders within our church communities to disciple people, plant churches, and reach nations.

The Trilogy Project is a valuable training opportunity.  It is a college-level three-year biblical and leadership training program that offers courses in biblical theology, biblical hermeneutics, leadership theory and practice, missions, and church history to equip students for effective leadership within the local church.

Abundant Grace Church and Fenway Church are collaborating together to form a group of leaders and emerging leaders from both churches who will participate in Trilogy Online (the online version of the Trilogy Project).  We believe working together as churches will give students greater exposure to different giftings, experiences, and methods and allow for stronger and more well rounded leaders.

To learn more about Trilogy visit their website -  If you are interested in participating in this course, please contact us via email

Trilogy is a training initiative of the Newfrontiers USA family of churches (, but it is not restricted to those who are part of a Newfrontiers USA church.

Newfrontiers Boston Joint Service Report

Yesterday, three different churches from the Boston area gathered together to worship Jesus.  It was certainly a faith-building time.  I was encouraged by the full house on a Thanksgiving weekend (a weekend when a lot of people are gone in Boston) and by the strong sense of family and kinship that pervaded the service and the fellowship after over coffee and holiday treats.  So many welcoming smiles, introductions, re-introductions, and catching up with people you had not seen in months.

The most encouraging aspect of the gathering was the stories told by several people of how God had been working in their lives through dreams, healings, the salvation of family members, and the start of seeker-oriented Bible studies.  One particular story of a baby who had 60% hearing loss and who doctors determined would eventually go deaf being completely healed to the astonishment of the nurses and doctors was incredibly inspiring and a real encouragement to perserve in prayer.

We also made an announcement about how our two Newfrontiers churches in Boston are planning to work together more closely in training present and emerging leaders to fulfill our call to love others, transform the city, and serve nations.  To learn more click here to view our announcement about the Trilogy Project or visit us on facebook at .

Friday, November 26, 2010

Newfrontiers Boston City-Wide Service (Nov. 22)

This Sunday (November 28) @ 10:30AM, we will join with our fellow Newfrontiers' church in Boston, Abundant Grace, to celebrate God's goodness and Jesus' greatness. Come meet with God and catch a vision for what God is doing in Boston! There will be no Fenway services at the club.

SUNDAY NOV. 28 10:30AM

At the Corner of Life & Guest Streets

Directions by Car click here
Directions by Bus (MBTA) Take the 57 bus to 'Cambridge St @ N Beacon St' and walk 1/2 mile down North Beacon St and turn right on Life Street. For map & walking directions click here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Month of Prayer in November

From Jaeson Ma's visit in mid-October where hundreds of people committed to following Jesus whole heartedly and praying for awakening on their campuses to the 6,000+ people that gathered at Boston University for the Boston Night of Worship,, it is evident God is at work in the city of Boston.

Now is not a time to sit back and watch the ride but to align ourselves with God's plan for our city and church.  Jesus stated in John 5:19, that he only did what he saw the Father doing.  It is not surprising then that in the gospels Jesus is frequently found arising early and escaping late to the place of prayer with his Father.  It is when the church united in corporate pray in Acts 2 and Acts 4 aligning themselves with God's plan for their city that thousands were saved.

If we sense God may be at work in an unusual, as we receive prophetic words (which are weighing in this season of prayer) about Fenway church becoming a place where worship development explodes and many churches are planted out of, and as regional leaders call for an end to "self-preservation" and to greater cooperation, we must give ourselves to the place of prayer encountering the Holy Spirit in all his power and discovering God's plan and will for our lives, church, and city.

Our first early morning prayer meeting of the month was one of our largest early morning turnouts ever.  Fenway Church let's join together in the place of prayer this month at Ruggles Baptist Church - 874 Beacon Street, Boston.

Monday November 8 @ 7PM
Tuesdays & Thursdays 6-7AM