Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Monday, November 29, 2010

Newfrontiers Boston Joint Service Report

Yesterday, three different churches from the Boston area gathered together to worship Jesus.  It was certainly a faith-building time.  I was encouraged by the full house on a Thanksgiving weekend (a weekend when a lot of people are gone in Boston) and by the strong sense of family and kinship that pervaded the service and the fellowship after over coffee and holiday treats.  So many welcoming smiles, introductions, re-introductions, and catching up with people you had not seen in months.

The most encouraging aspect of the gathering was the stories told by several people of how God had been working in their lives through dreams, healings, the salvation of family members, and the start of seeker-oriented Bible studies.  One particular story of a baby who had 60% hearing loss and who doctors determined would eventually go deaf being completely healed to the astonishment of the nurses and doctors was incredibly inspiring and a real encouragement to perserve in prayer.

We also made an announcement about how our two Newfrontiers churches in Boston are planning to work together more closely in training present and emerging leaders to fulfill our call to love others, transform the city, and serve nations.  To learn more click here to view our announcement about the Trilogy Project or visit us on facebook at .

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