Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thoughts on our Easter Weekend (Fox25 News, Globe, Baptisms & more)

What can I say but that I am totally blown away by God.  I tried to pick an adjective to describe the weekend - monumental, transformative, catalytic - but couldn't. 

Monumental? Seems like the peak of something, and this is just the beginning of what God is going to do. 

Transformative? Yes. But as some of you know God has been transforming many in our midst for some time, and those of you who have been praying with us the last month weren't blindsided by this at all.

Catalytic?  Only if we allow it to be.  And to allow it to be we must become a church filled with people who, as one young woman from our church put it this weekend, are "recklessly abandoned" to the call of Jesus no matter the cost. (1)

Weekend Highlights
  • 3 Prophetic words God gave us during the week of prayer to start April being fulfilled
    • Love of God filling club and pouring out into streets (on Easter there was standing room only with 127 chairs setup and our welcomers were greeeting outside the doorway)
    • Nets being broken open and Holy Spirit being poured out (it was absolutely electric at times and real conviction from the Holy Spirit for those responding to the message)
    • Spiritual gifts being released on Easter Sunday (leading up to and the morning of Easter God released gifts of knowledge, wisdom, faith, and prophecy which directly related to all 127 sits being filled and the salvations & baptisms that tooks place)

  Serve The

  • 40+ people from Newfrontiers churches in the Northeast (Boston, Portsmouth, Norwalk, Portland) serving the a local Boston housing development in the pouring rain and giving Boston residents a tangible reason to celebrate this Easter. These volunteers worked so hard with such joy. I am priveleged to be a part of a group that embraces Jesus' example of servanthood like that.(Check out for more pictures!)
  • 2 people making first time commitments to follow Jesus and be baptized.
  • 3 people total spontaneously deciding to be water baptized!!!
  • Boston Globe Article from our International Sunday helping drive our website hit total to 273 up 225% from the previous week
  • FOX25 filming our Easter Service (watch the segment below to get a great feel for what it was like on Sunday!)
  • All of you (you know who you are) who prayed at early morning prayers AND participated on evangelism teams on Friday night AND prayed and worshiped late Friday night AND woke up the next morning and served all day at One Mision AND rehearsed later on Saturday AND got to church at 8AM on Sunday AND SAW GOD MOVE IN WAYS WE'D NEVER SEEN BEFORE. You guys are my heroes.
  • Worship team, setup team, prayer team, welcome team, my staff team, breakdown team, kid's church team and all the various people who just kept jumping in to help so that everything that took place this weekend could happen.  Your reward is great in heaven.  It is a joy to serve with you.  Some day we are going to be a part of a party that doesn't stop.
  • The Fox newscaster who said, "Their next venue might be House of Blues." (only seen if you watched it live). You words may just be more prophetic then you will ever know.
  • EVERYONE who PERSONALLY invited a friend. Almost every single one of our guests who was there came because a friend brought them.  Publicity is nice, but the kingdom grows because we love others enough to invite them into our journey and an encounter with Jesus.
  • And finally, a tweet that somes so much of this weekend up...
@littlewilds: @David_W_Hill dude! We can't go back 2 "normal" christian living anymore. We gotta do today more often #OneMission #success
The best is yet to come #fenfam!
Love you all so much,
David W

(1) To that end, let me put in a plug to listen (or listen again) to our two Easter messages at They reveal just why we believe Jesus is so worth our while to follow...

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