Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Book Recommendations I

I wanted to share a few books that have really shaped my life, caused me to love Jesus more, and imparted faith in me to believe I could be a part of God's mission to radically change the world.

First, two which were published this year written by two author's whose writings have perhaps influenced me more than anyone else.

King's Cross I became a Christian because I had a revelation at a young age of just how much the Son of God had done in dying for me.  Since that day, I have always loved the person of Jesus. This book by Timothy Keller opens up the life and death of Jesus in a profound and vivid way. You will love and believe in Jesus more having read this book.

The Spirit-Filled Church Many respect and love Jesus as a prophet, teacher, and model for living.  Few however find themselves equally attracted to his Church.  Discover how and why the Church can be a dynamic, transparent community filled with the life-giving presence of Jesus where diverse peoples can find a true home. By Terry Virgo.
Second, two incredible stories of how God can use any person's life in order to bring about his redeeming purpose among the most broken people in our cities and the world.

The Cross & the Switchblade  How God took one young country pastor's decision to stop watching TV and used him to save gang bangers and druggies in NYC. I read this book as a pre-teen, then in highschool, college, and again when I started church planting. Inspired me to believe God could do anything through me. 

Chasing the Dragon  Rejected by missions' agencies a young woman buys a one way ticket to Hong Kong and sees God move in the Walled City, a haven for drug dens and prostitution. This book taught me so much on the importance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit in my life and ministry. Out of print so get a copy

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