Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Bible Reading Plans

Last week, I finished Journey Church's (St. Louis) Bible reading plan for 2011.  It was only the second time I have been able to complete a year long Bible reading plan, and it I felt refreshed and much more aware of who God is through the process.

I recommend you consider committing to a Bible reading plan for 2012.  Usually, we avoid Bible reading plans because we hate falling behind and end up not finishing them.  Don't give into that fear!  Thankfully, there are many different Bible reading plans that you can choose from.

There are several links below that will help you choose a Bible reading plan for 2012. 

If you are still working on finishing 2011, keep going!  The two key practices we are trying to instill in our lives is daily (or at least several days a week) getting the word of God into our hearts and minds & getting to know the WHOLE Bible story.  I'd say its more important to keep checking off those days to finish reading through the Bible even if it takes you another year than starting over again.

Bible Reading Plans
Justin Taylor at the Gospel Coalition gives extensive summaries of and tips on different Bible reading plans.  If you scroll to the very bottom, you can see the Bible plan I used last year.

Desiring God Ministries gives a much  more condensed version of potential reading plans including one that caught my eye - "For Shirkers & Slackers."

Friday, December 30, 2011

Helpful Guidelines for Prayer & Fasting

Fenway Church will be kicking off the New Year with a week dedicated to prayer and fasting. See this post for information on the schedule and daily blog updates. 

I have a passion for prayer and fasting that began in my college years. For those considering embarking on the fast this week, here are three helpful things to consider - Why fast? What does a fast look like? What can prayer look like?

Why Fasting?
God has always used fasts to increase my hunger to spend time with Jesus, allowed me to spend more time in prayer, and reminded me that this world and its desires are passing away. I find at the completion of these fasts I am often more focused on God's kingdom and more filled with God's power simply because I have been spending more time with him!

Many heroes of the faith fasted including Moses, Elijah, and Jesus!  Jesus expected his followers to fast knowing how good it would be for them, "They will fast in that day." (Mark 2:20)

If Jesus did and he expected us to, we should!

What Does a Fast Look Like?
First, please remember that if you have certain health issues a change in diet or a fast can be medically dangerous and should be avoided. As always, remember to drink lots of water especially when fasting.

A Fast
The phrase "fasting" in our context is typically used to mean fasting from all foods for a meal, day, week, etc.

A Water Fast
A water fast involves abstaining from all substances EXCEPT water.  This typically should last for no more than 3-10 days.

A Daniel Fast
The idea of a "Daniel fast" is found in Daniel Chapter 1 where Daniel and his friends refuse to eat the king's fine food and instead embrace a diet of vegetables during their time of training in Babylon. A "Daniel fast" for me consists of not eating any meats or sweats or fine foods (define that however you want :). I generally eat fruits, vegetables, some breads, beans, rice, & grains. Some keep a stricter diet than that.  I have used a "Daniel Fast" for when I am doing fasts of more than 2-3 days.

A Media Fast
A media fast can involve abstaining from some type of daily entertainment - such as twitter, tv/movies, internet, computer games, etc. - for an extended period of time.  I have found these to be very helpful for me when I have done them.

In fasting it is not the diet that matters, it is a heart that wants more of God and less of the world that matters. Prayerfully, consider what God may be leading you to fast for this week.

Finally, it is usually best to use the time normally spent in eating or entertainment in prayer and spending time with God.  Otherwise, we can easily miss the point of the fast!

What can prayer look like?
1) The main purpose of fasting and prayer in the New Testament was to align with God's plan and be filled with his power. Let's get involved where HE is already working - how do we know where he is? We pray and listen! (Acts 13:2, John 5:19)

2) God is sovereign. His plan to redeem of humanity and establish his church among every people group is not in doubt. (1 Cor. 15:24-26) Yet, he calls us to pray for, "Laborers to be sent out into the harvest." Jesus told his disciples to pray for laborers then immediately sent them out! (Matthew 9:35 - 10:5) Will you not only pray for laborers but allow God to make you one?

3) The one thing Jesus desires most for us is to be with him, listening to his voice. (Luke 10:28-42) He wants revival more desperately than we do. A true revival begins when God's people hunger and thirst for Jesus above all else NOT when we desperately plead with God to change the world.. It is in Jesus' presence that we are changed and empowered. (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)

4) God has been showing me in the word that he will show his people things in prayer that will open up huge doors to be witnesses for him IF they will act on what they see and hear immediately. (Acts 9:10-12, Acts 10) We too often hesitate after praying seeking "God's will" AGAIN and we MISS opportunities. Don't wait go find out if God spoke or not!

Let's do it!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Come Again, Lord Jesus...

I was driving home tonight in a mid-sized luxury SUV filled with just-opened Christmas presents. Ayanna (my 3-year old) gently asked my wife and I to play some "songs about Jesus" as my girls glanced at the windows looking for more Christmas lights and my almost 2 year old boy drifted off to sleep.  My wife, Betsy, was commenting how this first of what will be three days of Christmas gatherings couldn't have gone better.  I was thinking we are sooooo blessed.

My stomach was stuffed with food.  In fact, I had been different levels of full pretty much all day.  I was warm, warm. Warm and full.  And safe.  Not everyone can say that this Christmas.

Click pictures to learn more.
My thoughts turned to starving children in Africa like the ones I had prayed for early this week.  I thought about the girls hidden in sex-trafficking dens.  Most probably don't even know Christmas is two days away.  They probably just hope tomorrow doesn't come. I thought about the girls abandoned in China...

Click pictures to learn more.
Got home read about people who marched 170 miles over 4 days for freedom who on arriving at their capitol got beat up and killed.  Thought about my friends in Sanaa who since I left in March have lived in a virtual war zone under siege in their own apartments and homes.

Click pictures to learn more.
And in the midst of my car ride home filled with thoughts of Christmas, I found myself whispering, "Come Again, Lord Jesus..."

Come again, and make all the wrong things right.  Come again, and make "all the sad things untrue."

Come like you did at Christmas 2,000 years ago.

Come again, to destroy all evil, wipe every tear, fill every stomach, and banish all darkness.

Come again, so the last can be first and the first can be last.

Come again, so that there will be no longer be any orphans or sickness or pain or sin.  Come again, so the unwanted girls can have a home and the abused children can know love.

Come, come again, Lord Jesus.

The End of All Evil, Nov 13, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

"Johnny" Finds a "Home" this Christmas

By Rebecca Nelson

Our church (Fenway Church) did a “month of service” this December in which each of our community groups delivered presents to children whose parents were in prison, made blankets for homeless veterans, hosted dinners for neighbors, etc.

One night, I was in a group that packed bags of stuff for homeless people around Back Bay (granola bars, pen, flashlight, socks, gloves, hand warmers, paper, etc..).

As we did “listening prayer” and asked God where we should go, I saw a picture of the steps of Trinity church.

We were led to pray that “God would reach someone whose family has been praying for them, and who seems like the last person who might come into God’s family”. It was a prayer for lost sheep, especially those who no one really believed could return to God.

Off we went.

We went to the church and didn’t see anyone who needed one of the bags we had prepared. But when we walked around the side of the church and there was a man kneeling in prayer and another man standing nearby. As we had prayed in the apartment, “Johnny” had been praying outside. While two others prayed for his friend’s knee, I sat on the ground and talked with Johnny. He recently left a halfway house where he was required to stay after a jail sentence. In the bitter cold, we talked for quite a while and he told me all about his family, his father and sister who love Jesus and pray for him. We prayed and he promised with much sincerity to come to church Sunday if we’d get him from Copley.

Lost sheep at the church, just like God said.

When we returned to warm up and debrief, we found that the 3 other groups also had successful evenings. They prayed for a blind man to receive sight (we are still looking for him to see if it has happened), they felt great boldness, much more than usual, an answer to prayer. Even those who had never done this kind of thing were deeply encouraged and used by God.

When we returned Sunday with a car to get Johnny, he was nowhere to be found. I checked Finagle a Bagel, Burger King and all the surrounding stores, and he was gone. He had been so excited for church! We prayed for him together, that he would know we looked for him, and went to “friend Sunday” at Fenway Church.

Towards the close of service, who walked in but Johnny? First this shaking, weak man took a guitar and played a beautiful song of praise to God. Then, we prayed for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to turn and live a holy life, and he laughed with joy as we closed the prayer.

He got a warm meal, lots of cookies and a hot shower with men from our church. And when I checked my email late last night, I found that Johnny was spending a few nights off the streets with a church member who had offered a spare room.

Today I am thankful for our church family, God's guidance, and his love for every single person in Boston.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why I am Encouraged

Why I am Encouraged

I am encouraged today by...

Our young men. Young men leading small groups on their campuses and ministering God's love to those who have not experienced it yet.  Young men who persevering in their education and callings in business, law, and the sciences.  Young men who tell me to "be hard on them" because they want to become true representatives of Jesus wherever they go.

Our young women.  Their seemingly insatiable passion for worship and prayer.  The commitment and purity of their hearts towards Jesus.  Their willingness to be the first to go to the unreached people groups of the world. And, their love for the church and the community in and around it.

Our single moms.  Who host community group gatherings.  Who find time in their weeks to cook for the church.  Who bring their children to be a part of our church family.  Who consistently our an example to me of real faith as they proclaim and exhibit a trust, belief, and ability to lean on God each day.

The husbands.  Who have modeled the right way to pursue a young woman with respect, honor, purity, and purpose.  Who lay down their lives for their wives and are learning to lead their families and marriages.

The wives and moms.  Who work harder than anyone I know.  Your reward is great in the kingdom of heaven.

Our inroads in building relationships with our Muslim friends.  Learning their culture, values, and world AND loving them by opening our own lives and homes to them.

Our presence in the club.  The sounds guys and staff who have witnessed miracles, testimonies, and the growth of our church.  The guy who came up and played the tamborine with our worship team after service, and the guy that tattooed a scripture verse on his back that one of our member's gave him.

The way our church family has demonstrated the love of Jesus by taking care of the building and treating the staff with respect.

Our presence in the community.  Volunteers at Operation Peace's after school program this fall.  Funds being raised for local non-profits in our neighborhood. Relationships formed with seniors who live in the Fenway through art, music, and food. Serving at community events and being one of the only places in the Fenway that I know of that consistently provides opportunities for fun and education for children and their mothers.

Our presence among homeless communities.  In transition homes.  In front of Shaw's supermarket.  In conversations in the Fens.  And the ones who find their way into our services knowing they will be welcomed, loved, and embraced.

Our vision.  For transforming neighborhoods like the Fenway.... and now with growing hope for Roxbury.  For the unreached nations of the world and the prayers, travels, and training that are linking us to that world even now.

I am encouraged...

That we love one another.

That those who God moves onto to other cities and nations can say things like, "As I get ready to end this season, I see God giving me victory in things that I never had victory in before."

That the Holy Spirit is alive and active in our midst.

That people are being physically healed.

That Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

That the cross will always be enough.

That faith is growing.

That hearts are turning.



When we are encouraged, we feel the freedom to dream and imagine what God can do.  Encouragement increases our expectation of "the good" that God has in store for us.  This expectation of good is the definition of hope.  As we prepare to begin 2012, may our hearts and minds be encouraged and freed to hope and may the Lord establish his assurance in our hearts that gives way to a living and active faith our church.

David W. Hill

Listen to Fenway Church's recent messages on Hope and Encouragement.