Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Our Dear American Friends... (A Note from Across the Pond)

I felt this note from a friend from Germany (who is deeply involved in the expansion of God's kingdom in many ways particularly through simple church planting) hit the right note this morning. I need more time to weigh everything that he is saying here, but I sense much of it is from God's heart.  I post it this morning because I believe we need to hear its message and consider this man's conclusions with the election and the state of our nation still fresh in our minds.

David W.

P.s. I would welcome any questions or thoughts in the comments.

Our dear America – where do you go from here?

TitelbildToday, Obama has been re‐elected; all the efforts of many Christian leaders, prayer movements, “prophets” and “concerned Americans” who have lobbied, written appeals, articles, books, letters ‐ some have even done films ‐ to warn not to vote for him have come to nothing. Many of them have behaved as if the future of the Kingdom of God is at stake. Well, it is not.
Can we, as foreigner who dearly love you as a people, say a few words into this situation? Because it is evident to us that God has a clear plan with your nation. But many don´t seem to see it, and therefore run the danger of fighting the wrong fight, wasting precious time and resources, and even endlessly call upon God to do what he just will not do.

The German weekly Der Spiegel, kind of a German Time Magazine, has a cover picture of Uncle Sam in bed, titled, The American Patient: The decline of a Great Nation. We think this is a prophetic picture. As your friends, we know, acknowledge and admire that America has had a great past. But how will your future look like?

God chastises whom he loves because he knows: pride will come before the fall, and humbleness and brokenness is the only condition he responds to. We personally sense we need to tell you: the destiny of your nation is in God’s hands, not yours. It is not at all about Obama or Romney, it is about God using all the nations in the world according to his global and unchanging plans. Did you ever allow the thought that God in his sovereignty is using Obama like a pawn on his chessboard to humble the US as a nation because he wants to show his grace to a nation gone completely self‐sufficient? A nation that is so full of independence, individualism, nationalism and trusting a greed‐ and fear‐based economy that there may be only one way open to heal it from its idolatry and re‐align itself with the Kingdom of God: a crisis beyond anything that America has ever seen?

In 2008, God has been challenged by a man standing up in public, preaching to the cheers of a huge crowd: “Yes we can!” We watched it; we saw the tears of excitement in the eyes of the people; the statements were received as if coming from the Messiah himself, and the electoral rallies had all the flavor of a religious revival. "Yes, we can" is the exact opposite of the King of kings saying: "Without me, you can do nothing!"

If God is the one who "deposes kings and raises up others" (Dan 2:21), does it really matter what are the names of the current puppets set in place by God that advance both the New World Order and the Kingdom of God? Neither Herod, Pilate nor Cesar were truly important for the development of the Kingdom. That is exactly why Kingdom people do not play in the Second League, but the First, the one that matters. The one that puts the Kingdom first, and everything else ‐ including their own nation ‐ second.

The problem of the current commotion and insecurities arises when even the people that call themselves after God keep confusing the Kingdom of God with the United States of America. And when that happens, especially through Christians with a public voice, then we have truly lost all perspective of the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the predictions he has made that will precede his coming.  

America is being publicly humbled by God; and he is going to use Obama – and those after him ‐ to further advance his agenda that will lead all nations to kneel before that one true King Jesus very soon. If any nation wants to become a tower that reaches up to high heaven, it will be humbled by a God who will not share his glory with people relying on their own strength.

America, where do you go from here? What does this mean for you? The future is going to be very, very rough. Your securities will vanish, the economy will go down, the education system will become even worse, the streets more dangerous, the churches even more divided, the youth even more disillusioned – unless there is a true movement that abandons all those idols mentioned above, and radically repents, makes a radical alignment with the King of the Kingdom of God and his constitution, live the Law of Christ in all areas of life, first and foremost in the areas of sex, money, power and how we “do church”. This is a defining moment for you as a nation. You could go down, as the German journalist of ‘Der Spiegel’ predicted. Or, America could be literally re‐invented by Kingdom people who are ready to implode the prevailing myths about Americas greatness, and replace it by God’s greatness (my emphasis - DW)The King has even greater things purposed and would fulfill those purpose IF those who call themselves after Jesus the King, would turn away from their self‐made religion, self‐made churches and religious factions, self‐made visions of success, and their self‐made, harmless God.  

Can we lovingly but urgently call you back at this hour to begin and initiate a movement to reposition and repatriate yourselves into the eternal Kingdom, by submitting yourself not only in theory but also in practical deeds to Jesus the King, starting to obey the King and his liberating decrees in all the areas that count? You might even want to write a declaration of dependence on God and each other, because by idolizing anything else before and over God, you will become illegal aliens in the country that counts, where we all are called to have our home: the Kingdom, the one place where our true citizenship, nationality and allegiance lies (Phil 3:20). This is the only one country that will not be shaken, as it has an unchanging King.  

If there is any way that we can help you in this great challenge and task – we want you to know we will.

Wolfgang and Mercy Simson, Germany


  1. While I get what they're trying to say, the "because he wants to show his grace to a nation gone completely self‐sufficient? A nation that is so full of independence, individualism, nationalism and trusting a greed‐ and fear‐based economy" lines sound a bit Christian Socialist, and other parts of the letter also hint at that (usually European) attitude that it is a bad thing that America is so powerful and Americans stand up for the values we believe in.

  2. Hmm, blogger considers me an "Unknown". Above comment and this is from Ian.

  3. Hey Ian (which Ian is this?), it definitely reflects a different worldview. The question for me would be does it reflect God's kingdom's worldview? Completely self-sufficient is likely an exaggeration and it does sound a bit harsh on the economy as there are good things that are a part of the capitalist system. Prophets do speak symbolically some times though, no? And they push the envelope too :)

  4. It is a lot to think about and I know God sets up whom He will to be leaders. But is this guy saying it's a sin for Christians to vote? There is a saying that says, "All it takes for evil to prosper is for good people to sit back and do nothing." Were we supposed to sit back and do nothing while an evil man like Obama ran for president? Shouldn't we do what we can and leave the outcome to God? These are just some things I wonder about. I do believe in the separation of church and state. No way would a true Christian want Obama's influence in the church. But I realize there are a lot of churches out there who are walking hand in hand with the world. And, like David W. is saying, maybe the crashing of our nation is what it's going to take to bring many of these straying people back to God. May God bless our nation and our president to do His will. Trust me. That last sentence was a little scary to write. God's will for this nation may not be the same as ours.

  5. The only opinion that matters is the lords. So unless you feel compelled to act or speak by the spirit and have peace, by all means go for it. Live in love. No matter where you are, or what government you are controlled under. “Don’t think you are better than you truly are." Obey the lord. Pray that he may tune our ears to his wisdom. Lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5, Rejoice ohh world the saviour has come!!! Amen.

  6. @Twilight I definitely do not think he is suggesting we don't vote! He is suggesting that we trust that God is using Obama's election to fulfill his purposes and make sure our response to his election is aligned with God's will not our own preferred desires.
