Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Moving to the Brighton Music Hall - August 25

Dear FenFam,

I have so appreciated the attitude with which you have greeted this big announcement. Your faith, genuineness, and willingness to join in with what God is doing inspires me to love Jesus more.

A few recurring questions have emerged in the last two weeks as we prayed for and discussed our move to the Brighton Music Hall. I want to answer them here and provide another context for us to be able to understand and run with the vision God is setting before us.

With you on the adventure!

David W.

Are we starting a new church in Allston?
No, we will continue to be one church pursuing a common vision and led and served by the same leadership team. We see our church as many community groups who gather together on Sundays to worship Jesus, hear gospel-focused preaching, invite others to see what God is doing, and encourage each other in a larger context. In the fall, we will become a church of many community groups who gather on Sundays in two different venues instead of one.

When are we moving?
We are moving our Sunday morning gathering to the Brighton Music Hall in Allston on Sunday August 25 with a new start time of 10:30AM.  We will re-launch a Sunday gathering with an afternoon start time in our current venue in Fenway on Sunday September 15.

Where should I go on Sundays?
Head to Allston! We want to launch at the Brighton Music Hall as strongly as possible. For a short season, we want our whole church family to gather together there to worship Jesus and help get the Allston venue humming. There is power in that type of unity and focus.

If you would like to be a part reaching out in the Fenway neighborhood specifically, please let us know at and we can let you know how you can get involved with the Fenway re-launch.

What's my role? How can I get involved?
Sign up to join a Sunday serve team! Throughout the summer, we will be developing teams that will help us with the launch at the Brighton Music Hall - greeting, setup/breakdown, audio/visual, outreach/hospitality, worship and especially kid's church so we can welcome more families at the new Allston venue!

Join a CG.  Our leadership wants to equip you and your community groups (CGs) to be able to reach your neighbors and transform your neighborhoods. Much of that equipping takes place through sharing life together in our CGs and through our CG leadership training program. A great way to get involved and start getting equipped is to join a CG.

Give.  We will need to increase our giving to to cover the increased costs of going multi-site and reaching out into more neighborhoods.  If you consider yourself a member at Fenway Church, we encourage you to give regularly (monthly or bi-weekly) and move towards tithing (10%).

Why the move?
First and foremost, we believe God has spoken to us clearly and that this is his idea (see the video for that story). We are following him!

Second, the church is the people of God.  It is not just a Sunday gathering or event, but God's people living out their walks with Jesus Monday-Saturday as they gather in smaller groups, love their neighbors, and represent Jesus in their work places and classrooms. Adding the Allston venue will allow us to gather more people who want to be a part of this vision for church, allow our leadership to equip more members to reach their neighborhoods, and ensure more people in our city have an opportunity to meet Jesus.

FENWAY CHURCH - Loving Others, Transforming Neighborhoods, Serving Nations

For the extended version of this announcement that was given on Sunday June 9, visit


  1. David, I am so excited the way that God is moving in your church. He has given me the following scripture:

    Ephesians 2:19-22

    New Life Version (NLV)

    19 From now on you are not strangers and people who are not citizens. You are citizens together with those who belong to God. You belong in God’s family. 20 This family is built on the teachings of the missionaries and the early preachers. Jesus Christ Himself is the cornerstone, which is the most important part of the building. 21 Christ keeps this building together and it is growing into a holy building for the Lord. 22 You are also being put together as a part of this building because God lives in you by His Spirit.

    Praying for your church family,
    Patti Holmes

  2. Thank you, Patti. We value your prayers so much.
