Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Prayer Walking

This Fall all of Fenway Church's community groups will be taking specific action steps to engage the communities and neighborhoods they live in through learning how to pray, serve, and tell together.  September's action will be prayer walking.  Below is a how to guide on prayer walking.  Enjoy!


What is it?
Prayer walking is simply walking through neighborhoods, observing what God is doing and what the needs of the community are, and praying into those things.

Abraham was a man who enjoyed a conversational relationship with God in which they walked and talked through prayer.  Once, God told Abraham, “Look around from where you are… Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you” (Genesis 3:14-17). Like Abraham, we want to walk through our neighborhoods seeking out God’s hopes, purposes and plans for them.

Prayer walking uses the power of observation to understand the areas we live in so that we can more effectively pray for them.  It also gives us an opportunity to imagine and visualize how God might transform the lives of the people in a neighborhood.

This type of prayer moves us beyond our own concerns to praying directly for the needs of our neighbors.  This prayer is called intercession.

How do you do it?[1]
Pray with a Partner/Group. 
  • You can prayer walk alone, but prayers are more focused when expressed with a friend. If you go as a larger group, plan to break up into groups of 2-4 so you are not disruptive to the natural flow of the neighborhood.
  • Pray audibly for clarity and agreement. It may feel awkward at first, but praying aloud enables us to agree together for things. This is very important because Jesus said agreeing in prayer is vital to its effectiveness. (Matthew 18:19)
  • Pray as you walk, but also find locations where you can stop to pray.
Seek to Observe. 
  • Invite the Spirit of God to accompany you, guiding your steps and your words.
  • Be attentive during moments of silence, allowing the Holy Spirit to help you see with His eyes and pray in accordance with His heart.
  • Note the needs and demographics of the community as you walk through it.
Pray with Purpose. 
  • Pray for the present-hour needs of people and places that you see.
  • Pray God’s Word. You can read scriptures or sing worship songs.
  • Sketch a map to focus on select streets, buildings, parks, etc.
  • Pray quietly. You can be on the scene without making one. In confidence of God's unfolding purpose which includes your preparation prayer, don't look to initiate gospel conversations during your prayer walk.
  • Explain what you are doing to inquirers: "We're praying God's blessing on the neighborhood. Are there specific ways we can pray for you or others?”
Review after.
  • Gather your full group and write down the prayers, people, and places that seem most important before you leave or when you arrive back at your meeting place.
  • Use these observations to continue to pray for the neighborhood and ask God how your group might serve the needs of the community.

[1] These guidelines were based on “How to Prayerwalk,”

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