Yesterday, we started our Rooted Series in a packed club. God was definitely present. I preached on "The Seed" from Jesus' parable of the sower found in Matthew 13. You can listen to the message here.
The Big Idea from yesterday's message was that the gospel proclaims that there is a Kingdom, a King, and a Way.
The parable of the sower (which Jesus called the key to all his other parables, Mark 4:13) begins first and foremost with a sower who is sowing seed. Luke tells us that “the seed is the word of God.” (Lk8:11)
Jesus as he stands in the boat preaching this parable is the sower of the seed. His words are the word of God (the gospel).
The Big Idea from yesterday's message was that the gospel proclaims that there is a Kingdom, a King, and a Way.
The parable of the sower (which Jesus called the key to all his other parables, Mark 4:13) begins first and foremost with a sower who is sowing seed. Luke tells us that “the seed is the word of God.” (Lk8:11)
Jesus as he stands in the boat preaching this parable is the sower of the seed. His words are the word of God (the gospel).
Matthew gives us additional insight into what the seed (the gospel) is. “The seed is the word of the Kingdom.” (Mt13:19) Jesus' gospel message was a proclamation of the reality of his coming Kingdom.
As we start this series, we want to understand what the gospel is saying. What is the seed, the word of his Kingdom, that Jesus is sowing into the world?
First, through Jesus' preaching, God is saying, "There is a kingdom!" Jesus during his trial would tell the Roman governor Pilate, "My Kingdom is not of this world." The gospel begins with a simple proclamation that a Kingdom that is not of this world exists, and it is entering our present reality. It is a Kingdom of among other things hope, healing, and freedom. A Kingdom where there is no sin and death.
The second thing the gospel says is there is a King. This statement makes complete sense for wherever there is a kingdom there must be a King who reigns over it! The King that is proclaimed in the gospel is the man, Jesus. A King who came to earth as a peasant, to live a selfless life, and die a brutal death. So that he might rise from death, in order to make life in his Kingdom possible.
The third thing the gospel says is there is a Way into the Kingdom. The gospel proclaims not only is there a Kingdom and a King, but that the King has made a Way for a person to enter his Kingdom.
King Jesus through his death made a way for us to be cleansed from sin and through his resurrection made a way for us to be freed from the power of death. Since sin and death have not part in the realm of the resurrected King, we must first be cleansed from sin and freed from death in order to enter into the life of the Kingdom.
Jesus' death and resurrection made a way for those who believe his message to enter the Kingdom. When we understand and accept there is a Kingdom, a King, and a Way, we are repenting (changing our way of thinking). We end our old lives where we were our own rulers (and headed towards death) AND begin new lives with Jesus as ruler of every area. We demonstrate this decision through baptism.
This new life is life in the Kingdom, life with the King Jesus, a life heading in a totally new direction.
As we continue this series, we will be taking an expansive look into what this new direction and life with Jesus looks like and how we can be firmly rooted in it.