Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Friday, January 6, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide - Our Future Jan.7

"They shall build up the ancient ruins; 
they shall raise up the former devastations; 
they shall repair the ruined cities, 
the devastations of many generations." 
(Isaiah 61:4)

This week has been filled with many life giving moments.  Mainly, I believe because when I take the time to learn to walk with Jesus my life becomes filled with life.  Guess that's what Jesus was referencing when he said, "I want you to have life and have it to the full." (John 10:10)  Strange how in the midst of partially starving ourselves and saying no to our bodies, we can find fuller living then when we are indulging in all the world has to desire... that is the wonder of life with Jesus.

As we come to the end of this week, two things stand out to as having had the greatest impact on me this week.  

One is our corporate times of prayer.  I am so encouraged listening to and agreeing with the prayers of my brothers and sisters - what passion, what love for God, what incredibly compassionate hearts for those they encounter in their lives.  They make me want to be more like Jesus and through their faith make me want to keep coming back to the place of prayer.  If you haven't made it out to a prayer gathering this week, you need to make it out Saturday night just to hear some of our brothers and sisters praying (January 7 from 6-8PM at 874 Beacon Street).  

Two is the daily schedule of early morning prayer and fasting has produced a certain rhythm to my life that causes me to end up praying throughout the day as I go about various activities.  I have been so much more aware of Jesus' presence with me.  This awareness has encouraged me greatly and I am seeing God move and give me faith for things in ways I don't typically experience.

As we enter into this last day, Isaiah 61:4 reminds us of what our future will be.  We will be those, though once lost and wounded, who now build up, raise up, and repair.  Through our love and hope many will be encouraged and built up.  Through our faith and the Spirit of God, many will be raised from death to life.  Through our compassion and diligence, households, neighborhoods, and whole people groups will find their societies transformed into communities of hope, love, and genuine care for each other.

On Saturday night, we will pray into this future.  We will pray into this task that lays before us.  We will pray that the Holy Spirit will anoint us so that we may continue to partner with Jesus to build his church, raise sinners to life, and repair the lives of many.

Why not join us?  Or, let your amen be heard right now where you are as you join your spirit with ours in faith that God will do it.

Love and grace in Christ Jesus.  It is a joy to labor with you for the desires of the Father's heart.  I thank God for you and this week he has given us together.


David W.

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