Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Daily Prayer Guide - Comfort for the Faint Jan.5

"The LORD has anointed me... to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit..." (Isaiah 61:1-3)

The world is full of mourning.  The mourning of death, incurable diseases, broken relationships, emotional pain, and more.  An abused child mourns the loss of security, trust, and innocence.  The grieving parent mourns death of a young child.  The tired woman mourns the pending divorce from an unfaithful husband.  The Lord is very aware of the distress of this world.  He knows our lives can become charred and fragile by the harshness of life.  He knows our lives can waste away disintegrating into nothing but ashes.  This He knows, and this is why he is the God of all comfort. (1 Corinthians 1:3)

It is a part of the missionary calling is to comfort the afflicted. One must not be surprised when he discovers great darkness and sadness in the world.   As this passage demonstrates, bringing comfort really is a significant part of the missionary calling.  So much so, that the prophet interrupts his sequence of statements to elaborate on God's promise to those who come to Zion (his church) in mourning.

To those who feel like their life has come to nothing, God promises a headdress - a sign of beauty, purity, and acceptance (typically worn out weddings or by priests).  To those who are mourning, the oil of gladness - pressed down, shaken together the joy of knowing were loved spilling over into our hearts.  To those worn down by life, the garment of praise.  Why?  Because you will find the anointing of God is strong enough to bind up any heart, break any bondage, take your sadness and clothe you with gladness.  Those who have encountered the anointed ones of God will be clothed with praise!

Yet, we come to those who are mourning with quiet hearts and meek spirits.  We come along side them in the place of prayer and in the realities of life.  We weep and cry with them, and we ask God to comfort them.

Prayer Points
Father, comfort all who mourn. (Pray for those who God puts on your heart)
Father, give to your children who mourn - a beautiful headdress, the oil of gladness, and the garment of praise.
Father, strength the faint hearted in our church, in our families, and in our lives.
Father, break our hearts for those who are truly mourning.
Father, may those your heart years for come to know you as the God of all comfort.

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