Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Something I Learned by Investing in Others

ONE LESSON I have learned over the last 6 years is that when I invest in and disciple others, when I take the time to focus on others instead of myself, I learn and grow.

This week, I had the opportunity to spend time one on one with 3 young men in our church.  In our times together, we prayed, talked, assessed our lives, read scripture, and made decisions to take specific actions in the coming week in our journey of following Jesus.

One young man I was encouraging to come to Father daily asking for what he needed for that day. The next day in prayer, I thought - wow I should do that too - and I did!  Another young man I was encouraging to pursue the gifts and fillling of the Holy Spirit (I Corinithians 14 & Luke 11).  It reminded me to spend more time praying in tongues in my personal prayer times, and I did. Finally, a young man asked me whether he was teachable or not, and we had a fruitful conversation.  Today, the Holy Spirit started asking me if my heart was teachable.  Was my attitude the attitude I had encouraged him to have?

These relationships illustrate a significant principle.  As I invest in others, I become more like Jesus myself.

This principle is the beauty of discipleship - it is not just me teaching someone else - but through the relationship that is fostered in discipleship we BOTH become more like Jesus.

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