Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Friday, April 20, 2012

Part I: Loving Others

The first of three parts describing the vision of Fenway Church

Loving Others
At the heart of Jesus' ministry and the early church was the greatest commandment. Jesus said everything in life is based on it, “Love one another.”

In the gospels, we see the incredible love that God the Father and Jesus the Son have for each other. John put it simply, “God is love.”

People who have genuinely encountered the love of God, through understanding the love Jesus demonstrated in his life-giving death on the cross, cannot help but respond with a similarly genuine love for others: their church family, those who still remain lost in their sin, and their Savior, Jesus.

Everything we do as a church is motivated by the love of Jesus as we express the love he's given us through getting to know and serve others. This reality is why visitors to our church the last few weeks have said the following things:

“It was awesome. I definitely felt the compassion.”

“I fought back tears throughout the service because I really felt his love... people made a point to welcome us and introduce themselves (at least 15 people).”

A love like that can change a life, can change a city, can change the world. Which gets us to our next part...

Part II: Transforming Neighborhoods -> Click Here

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