Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Friday, April 20, 2012

Part II: Transforming Neighborhoods

The second in a three part series on the vision of Fenway Church

Transforming Neighborhoods
You can't escape it... In the book of Acts, the early church transformed the cities they lived in. These early churches fed the poor, cared for widows, and rescued orphans. They preached the gospel fearlessly (and in the midst of great persecution and push back) yet were held in high esteem and enjoyed the favor of the cultures that they lived in.

Why? It is because they didn't just talk about love, but they demonstrated love. How? By working for the welfare of their cities and neighborhoods.

Imagine! The early disciples lived with the images of Jesus ministry to the poor and his sacrificial death on the cross emblazoned in their minds. They had watched him heal the paralyzed stranger, hug the outcast, feed the poor, and minister hope to the “least of these.” They watched him give away his life and be beaten, mocked, whipped, crucified because he identified more with sinner and beggar than he did with the religious and political establishment. Whatever difficulties the early church faced, the example of Jesus' life and death would motivate them to keep giving until lives, cities, and neighborhoods were transformed.

We too aim to seek the transformation of our neighborhood, starting with those who need it most. That's why our church members volunteer at the youth program at a local non-profit called Operation Peace. That is why we host family days and participate in park clean ups.

It's why several of our young men return to Abundant Grace Church twice a month to help lead their outreaches to at-risk youth.

It's why we seek to break down barriers and be a church that welcomes people from diverse backgrounds. It's why our DTP interns this summer will serve teaching computer classes, loving seniors, volunteering at youth programs, and hosting events for kids. It's why we won't be satisfied with just a growing church. We will only be satisfied when we see tangible transformation taking place in the Fenway.

The job won't be done until every person in the Fenway knows that we are present not because of our loud, large services but because they see us investing in the lives of our neighborhood like Jesus invested his life into ours.

Well not quite done...

Part III: Serving Nations -> Click Here

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