Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This Sunday October 12, Fenway Church will begin a journey through the life of Jesus through the eyes of the author of Mark beginning in Mark 1.

Jesus breaks into the physche of the Jewish religious and social scene in an undeniably shocking way. He first appears along the river Jordan with the many pilgrims who journeyed there to identify themselves with the wild prophet, John the Baptizer. Only Jesus is no ordinary pilgrim. As he goes down into the river like any other but as he rises the sky tears open and a physically tangible manifestation of the Spirit of God descends on him accompioned by an otherworldly voice declaring his affection for his Son.

With the crowds left to wonder the strange phenomena, Jesus is driven into the wilderness for an inner conflict with Satan himself. He emerges a new man who has experienced the very presence of God. It is not long before his is gathering a following as he proclaims the reality of God and heals lepers and drives out demons. His public ministry is marked by encounters with demon possessed people who he returns to their right state of mind and a compassion and drive to help and love all who he encounters.

It is Jesus in action. A man affirmed by heaven, empowered by the Spirit, and driven by love.

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