Meeting Sundays @ 11AM at the club called Church 69 Kilmarnock Street Boston MA

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Who Is This Jesus?

Fenway Invite 10/12 from David W. Hill on Vimeo.

"Who is this?" It's the questions the terrified disciples ask in Mark 4:41, and it is a question Mark begins to answer in the first two chapters of his book. Mark introduces Jesus to us as the human embodiment of the good news that the Jewish prophets predicted, namely that God would come and visit his people (ex. Malachi 3:1). Mark vividly portrays the baptism of Jesus as God's heavenly voice defines Jesus' identity as God's beloved Son. Jesus then resists the attempts of demons and over eager disciples to define him or his purpose. Jesus has come to proclaim to the good news of God's visitation to earth, and he will not let anyone or anything distract or distort him.

But less we misunderstand Jesus' true motivation and purpose, Mark ends this first section telling the story of the cleansing of a leper. Here we see the culture shattering love of Jesus displayed. It is a love that does not fear disease or social stigmas. A love that yearns to reconcile social outcasts to both God and the rest of humanity. It is this love that drives Jesus to fulfill the purpose for his life. It is this purpose that Jesus begins to disclose in Mark 2.

Tomorrow, we will experience the story of Jesus' open confrontation with the religious leaders of his day and what that reveals about his purpose on earth. He will not pander to the "Religious Right" of his day which has costly implications.

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